."A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I say ... "I want to be like that" ... and "I don't want to be like that".

I clearly ... define all.

The list with what i want ... and what i don't want ... is extremely long.

But ... i agree with Fontaine ... cause on this journey of life ... i clearly see my destiny ... which many times is not what i've had in mind about my life ... in those moments .... when i do all my best to avoid all.

Of course ... is ridiculous.

Yes ... is ridiculous to say that I avoid destiny ... cause it will happen anyway.

Whatever has to happen.

Even if i avoid it.

Even .... If i want ... or don't want.

Even ... if i agree ... or not.

But ... i've became more detached.

Cause ... i allow things to happen.

Somehow ... simply ... watching the show of life.



Even ... enjoying.

Yes ... all.

In front of the destiny ... even if i still try to avoid things ... i obey ... but with detachment.

Sometimes ... even with ignorance.

So ... all continues ...

And ... i already know that i must smile in front of all happens to myself.

Cause .... I say ... i want ... and i see many, many times ... what i don't want ...

Ridiculous ... yeah?!

Maybe ... life itself ... is just a parody ... and i must only accept it.





Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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